Developing the ability to use Arabic functionally and communicatively in context; intensive oral interaction with instructor and fellow students; the basics of the writing system. Classroom track.…
Developing further language ability through learning how to perform certain functions orally and using them with fellow students; reading and writing passages reflecting their abilities. Classroom…
Building on previously acquired functional abilities; using Arabic to express opinion and feelings; oral interaction in the classroom; reading authentic texts or various genres. Classroom track. Not…
Introduction to the phonology and grammar of the everyday spoken language used in the Eastern Arab World.Prereq or concur: 1103.01 or 1103.02. Not open to students with credit for 4111. Credit…
A general survey and examination of the socio-cultural structure of the modern Arab world. Taught in English.This course explores the intersecting political, artistic, and intellectual currents…
Reading and analysis of major works of Arabic literature from the 6th to the 17th centuries including classical poetry, the Qur'an, and the Arabian Nights.This course introduces students, through a…
Developing reading skills through reading adapted and authentic Arabic texts; selections reflect cultural and literary aspects of Arabic culture.Prereq: 2104.Credit Hours:5MTWTF 12:40PM-1:35PM (…
This course on modern Arabic literature and culture in translation focuses on questions of belonging, relationship to space, and migration. It examines how Arabic literary narratives, films,…
Examination of some general guidelines for translating from Arabic to English or from English to Arabic, depending on the first language of the student. Requires advanced reading proficiency.Prereq:…
An introduction to the culture of modern Israel: historical roots, socio-political institutions and developments, and literary and artistic creations reflecting the realities of contemporary Israeli…
The State of Israel was established soon after the Holocaust. This course examines the effects of the Nazi genocide on Israeli society, including political debates, public trials, films, museums and…
Reading and analysis of selected chapters from the Hebrew scriptures and post-biblical Hebrew writings representative of major historical, cultural, and literary trends. The Hebrew Bible is a…
Introduction of main elements of Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax, for study of ancient and late antique Mediterranean religion and History, for students in Classics, History, NELC, etc. Requires…
Conversation, reading, writing, vocabulary building, phonetics, and grammar of Hebrew. Closed to native speakers of this language.Prereq: Not open to students with 3 or more years of high school…
Reading of Modern Hebrew short stories, poems, and essays; special emphasis on oral practice and Hebrew idioms. Closed to native speakers of this language.Prereq: 1102, or permission of instructor.…
Study of Hindi language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Closed to native speakers of the language.Hindi, belonging to the Indo-…
Continued study of Hindi language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.In Hindi 1102 and 1103, students are further trained to develop their…
Introduction to the manner in which Islam has interacted with politics in the Middle East and vicinity from the rise of Islam through the present.Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx. Not open to…
What does it mean to live as modern Muslims in western societies? How do they cope with prejudice, Islamophobia, traditions, integration, war, migration, and new opportunities? We explore the…
The last known Hieroglyphic text is a graffito dated to 394 CE. Knowledge of this ancient writing system disappeared once all non-Christian temples in Egypt were closed by the Romans, and with it,…
Language, at the heart of our social life, drives much of what humans do: converse, convey beliefs & views, label, categorize, include & exclude people. We'll critically examine how we use…
The course offers a collaborative online international learning (COIL) virtual education abroad experience that includes immersive opportunities such as virtual reality visits to important sites,…
Introduction to the culture of the Middle East as lived in its villages, towns, and cities.Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or Anthrop 2241 (241). Cross-listed in Anthrop.GE…
This is an introduction to the history and cultures of the ancient empires of southwestern Asia, focusing on the period from the Akkadian empire to the establishment of Islam (ca 2340 BCE - ca 750 CE…
In this course, we will explore how people from antiquity to our time have sought to find meaning in the complexity and uncertainty around their physical and social environment to access what they…
Utilizing new historical methods for reading and interpreting the sparse contemporary and near-contemporary testimonies for this historical period, this course explores how these testimonies, both…
An introduction to the historical, ideological, and cultural growth of Judaism examined from a variety of methodological perspectives.Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 201. GE cultures and…
This course will read and analyze a variety of short stories to illuminate different cultures of the Middle East and South Asia. The goal of the course is to introduce students to diverse cultures…
Introduction to Persian; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Closed to native speakers of this language. Not open to students with credit for Persian 101. This course is…
Further development of listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills; reading of simplified Persian texts. Closed to native speakers of this language. Prereq: 1102 or permission of…
Continued reading from literary texts, with further practice in conversation, composition, and translation. Prereq: 2101 (201). Not open to students with credit for 202.TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM (IN PERSON)…
A study of Persian literature in translation and the history of its discourses, genres, and styles. Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 371. GE lit and diversity…
The course shows how everyday life in South Asia where caste is a category of oppression compares to everyday life in the United States where race is a category of oppression. Everyday life will also…
By way of examining literature, historical accounts, primary writings from known historical figures, and contemporary Indian film, this course engages students with a look at how citizenship is…
Explores life in India from the lens of Hindi language cinema. Course engages with social class, gender, sexuality, Indian diaspora in the West, family structure, marriage, politics, caste, language…
Introduction to Turkish; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Typically offered Autumn semester.In Turkish 1101, students learn the alphabet, basic conversational Turkish…
Reading of Turkish short stories and poems with attention to literary and cultural appreciation; development of basic language skills. Prereq: 1102, or placement exam. Typically offered…
Study of Urdu language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 101, or to native speakers…
Continued study of Urdu language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.Prereq: 1102, or permission of instructor. Not open to students…
Introduction to Uzbek language; development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Prereq: Not available to native speakers. This course is available for EM credit. GE for lang course.…
Continued study of Uzbek Language, with appropriate cultural background; further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.Prereq: 1102, or permission of instructor. Not open to…