Spring 2024 - All Courses

Arabic 1101.01 - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I
Developing the ability to use Arabic functionally and communicatively in context; intensive oral interaction with instructor and fellow students; the basics of the writing system. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: Not open to students with 1101.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1101.51. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Manal Habbal
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 1102.01 - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II
Developing further language ability through learning how to perform certain functions orally and using them with fellow students; reading and writing passages reflecting their abilities. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: 1101.01 or 4 cr hrs of 1101.51. Not open to students with credit for 1102.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1102.51. This course is available for EM credit.
Professors: Hekmat Dirbas, Gergana Atanassova
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 1103.01 - Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
Building on previously acquired functional abilities; using Arabic to express opinion and feelings; oral interaction in the classroom; reading authentic texts or various genres. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: 1102.01, 1102.02, or 4 cr hrs of 1102.51. Not open to students with credit for 1103.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1103.51. This course is available for EM credit
Professor: Gergana Atanassova
GE Foundations: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 2101 - Arabic Grammar I
Accelerated introduction to the structure of modern standard and classical Arabic: phonology, morphology, and syntax, with emphasis on development of reading comprehension skills.
Pre-req: 1103, placement exam, or instructor permission.
Professor: Hekmat Dirbas
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 2104.01 - Intermediate Standard Arabic II
Initiating and sustaining communication, reading and understanding short authentic passages, and writing to express many language functions. Regular classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: 1103.01 or 4 credit hours of 1103.51. Not open to students with credit for 2104.02.
Professor: Marie-Therese Labaki, Manal Habbal
Credit Hours: 5

Arabic 2112 - Colloquial Arabic II
Continued study of the phonology and grammar of the everyday spoken language used in the Eastern Arab world.
Prereq: 2111 or 4111. Not open to students with credit for 4112.
Professor: Marie-Therese Labaki
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 2241 - Contemporary Arab Cultures: Arts, Mass Media, Society
A general survey and examination of the socio-cultural structure of the modern Arab world. Taught in English.
Professor: Hekmat Dirbas
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies, GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 2701 - Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation
Reading and analysis of major works of Arabic literature from the 6th to the 17th centuries including classical poetry, the Qur'an, and the Arabian Nights.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 371.
Professor: Ahmad Al-Jallad
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic / WGSS 2702 - Gender and Citizenship in Modern Arabic Literature
Reading and analysis of representative works of the 19th and 20th centuries by contemporary Arab women authors.
Prereq: Completion of GE Foundation Writing and Information Literacy course. Not open to students with credit for 2702 (372), 2702H (372H), 372, or WGSSt 2702H (372H).
Professor: Johanna Sellman
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World.
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 3601 - Introduction to Arabic Philosophy
Surveying the development and major subjects and thinkers of the most vivid period of Arabic philosophy.
Professor: Sean Anthony
GE Theme: Citizenship For a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 3705 - A Thousand and One Nights: Storytelling in Arabic and World Literature
Readings from The Arabian Nights; the history of the text, translations and literary and cinematic adaptations.
Professor: Sean Anthony
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 4106 - High Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic
Continued development of language skills through reading and evaluating a variety of authentic Arabic texts and genres; writing compositions on various aspects of Arabic culture.
Prereq: 3105.
Professor: Marie-Therese Labaki
Credit Hours: 5

Hebrew 1102.01 - Elementary Hebrew II
Reading of passages from various periods of Hebrew literature; review of salient points of elementary grammar & introduction to elements of classical Hebrew. Not open to native speakers of this language through regular course enrollment or EM credit.
Prereq: 1101, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Galit Golan
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Hebrew 2105 - Intermediate Hebrew II
The purpose of this course is to continue to develop communication skills in Modern (Israeli) Hebrew. This includes reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension. Equal emphasis is placed on each of these language skills. Special emphasis will be given to using new grammatical skills in advanced forms of composition and conversation.
Prereq: 1103 (104), or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 205.
Professor: Galit Golan
Credit Hours: 4

Hebrew 2700 - The Hebrew Bible in Translation
Reading and analysis of selected chapters from the Hebrew scriptures and post-biblical Hebrew writings representative of major historical, cultural, and literary trends.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 370.
Professor: James Moore
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
Credit Hours: 3

JEWSHST 3704 - Ancient and Medieval Jewish History, 300 BCE-1100 CE
An examination of the social, legal, and religious position of women as they appear in the Hebrew Bible and the ways in which the have been represented and interpreted in later textual, visual, and audio sources. Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 374. GE lit and diversity global studies course. Cross-listed in Jewish Studies.
Professor: Daniel Frank
Credit Hours: 3

JEWSHST 3505 - U.S. Diplomacy in the Middle East
Survey of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East emphasizing the Cold War, Arab-Israeli conflict, Iran, and wars against Iraq. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prereq: English 1110.xx, and any History 2000-level course; or permission of instructor.
Professor: Peter Hahn
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
Credit Hours: 3

Hindi 1102 - Elementary Hindi II
Continued study of Hindi language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Prereq: 1101. Not open to students with credit for 102.
Professor: Preeti Palvankar
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Hindi 2104 - Intermediate Hindi II
Continued study of Hindi language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Prereq: 1103.
Credit Hours: 3

Islam 3201 - Muslims in America and Europe: Migration and Living Between Worlds
Explore the experiences of religious minorities in the U.S. and Europe for Muslims whose families are originally from the Arab world, Iran, South Asia, Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for NELC 3201.
Professor: Morgan Liu
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

Islam 3501 - Introduction to Islam
Examination of Islam as a world religion, enabling an understanding of its major tenets and beliefs as they are envisioned by insiders and outsiders.
Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with credit for NELC 3501. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.
Instructor: Zari Mahmoudi
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 2241 - The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies
Introduction to the culture of the Middle East as lived in its villages, towns, and cities.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or Anthrop 2241 (241). Cross-listed in Anthrop.
Professor: Nathan Young
GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity.
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies.
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 2244 - Films of the Middle East
Overview of contemporary films from different Middle Eastern countries; how filmmakers of the region view, present, and construct their countries using particular modes of representation.
Prereq: English 1110.
Professor: Mehrak Kamali Sarvestani
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 3700 - Mythology of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
An introductory comparative survey of the mythology of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 370.
Professor: Celine Marquaire
GE Theme: Lived Environments
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 5101 - Introduction to the Field of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures
A concise introduction to the field of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and its close cognates.
Prereq: Jr or Sr standing, and Arabic, Hebrew, or Islamic Studies major; or Grad standing.
Professor: Sean Anthony
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 5111 - Comparative Semitic Linguistics
The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the basics of comparative Semitic linguistics, the current issues of comparison, the possibilities and nature of linguistic reconstruction, and the most important bibliography.
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Professor: Ahmad Al-Jallad
Credit Hours: 3

PERSIAN 1102 - Elementary Persian II
Further development of listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills; reading of simplified Persian texts.
Prereq: 1101 or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Mehrak Kamali Sarvestani
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

PERSIAN 2104 - Intermediate Persian II
Extensive reading from literary texts, with practice in conversation and composition.
Prereq: 1103.
Professor: Mehrak Kamali Sarvestani
Credit Hours: 4

PERSIAN 3350 - Iranian Society Today: Internal Conflicts and Social Movements
This course is a journey through political, social, and intellectual history of Iran.
Session Second Asynchronous
Professor: Mehrak Kamali Sarvestani
GE Diversity: Global Studies
Credit Hours: 3

SASIA 3220 - Citizenship in South Asia
This course engages students with a look at how citizenship is imagined in nation states, how it was imagined in colonial India, and how it is manifest in post-colonial South Asia.
Professor: Richa Jhaldiyal
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

SASIA 3625 - Understanding Bollywood, Knowing India: Hindi Cinema Since 1960
Explores life in India from the lens of Hindi language cinema.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for NELC 3625, 3625.01, or 3625.02.
Professor: Ila Nagar
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

SASIA 5241 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to South Asian Studies
This course is designed as a multi-disciplinary introduction to South Asia, primarily focusing on India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan, but also referring to Afghanistan, Tibet, and Maldives in geographical, political, cultural, and religious context and connections.
Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with credit for NELC 5241.
Professor: Ila Nagar
Credit Hours: 3

TURKISH 1102: Elementary Turkish II
Further development of listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills; reading of simplified Turkish texts.
Prereq: 1101, or placement exam.
Professor: Ceyda Steele
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

TURKISH 2101 - Intermediate Turkish II
Extensive reading from literary texts, with practice in conversation and composition.
Prereq: 1103. Not open to students with credit for 201.
Professor: Ceyda Steele
Credit Hours: 4

URDU 1102 - Elementary Urdu II
Continued study of Urdu language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Prereq: 1101, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102, native speakers, or EM credit. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Maraj Ahmed
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

UZBEK 1102 - Elementary Uzbek II
Continued study of Uzbek Language, with appropriate cultural background; further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Prereq: 1101 (101), or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102, or to native speakers. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Kamola Azimova
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

UZBEK 2101 - Intermediate Uzbek II
Extensive reading from literary texts, with practice in conversation and composition.
Prereq: 1103 or 104. Not open to students with credit for 201, or to native speakers.
Professor: Kamola Azimova
Credit Hours: 4
General Education Fulfillments

Arabic 1101.01 - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I
Developing the ability to use Arabic functionally and communicatively in context; intensive oral interaction with instructor and fellow students; the basics of the writing system. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: Not open to students with 1101.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1101.51. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Manal Habbal
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 1102.01 - Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II
Developing further language ability through learning how to perform certain functions orally and using them with fellow students; reading and writing passages reflecting their abilities. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: 1101.01 or 4 cr hrs of 1101.51. Not open to students with credit for 1102.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1102.51. This course is available for EM credit.
Professors: Hekmat Dirbas, Gergana Atanassova
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 1103.01 - Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
Building on previously acquired functional abilities; using Arabic to express opinion and feelings; oral interaction in the classroom; reading authentic texts or various genres. Classroom track. Not open to native speakers of Arabic.
Prereq: 1102.01, 1102.02, or 4 cr hrs of 1102.51. Not open to students with credit for 1103.02 or 4 cr hrs of 1103.51. This course is available for EM credit
Professor: Gergana Atanassova
GE Foundations: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Hebrew 1102.01 - Elementary Hebrew II
Reading of passages from various periods of Hebrew literature; review of salient points of elementary grammar & introduction to elements of classical Hebrew. Not open to native speakers of this language through regular course enrollment or EM credit.
Prereq: 1101, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Galit Golan
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Hindi 1102 - Elementary Hindi II
Continued study of Hindi language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Prereq: 1101. Not open to students with credit for 102.
Professor: Preeti Palvankar
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

PERSIAN 1102 - Elementary Persian II
Further development of listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills; reading of simplified Persian texts.
Prereq: 1101 or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Mehrak Kamali Sarvestani
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

TURKISH 1102: Elementary Turkish II
Further development of listening, writing, speaking, and reading skills; reading of simplified Turkish texts.
Prereq: 1101, or placement exam.
Professor: Ceyda Steele
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

URDU 1102 - Elementary Urdu II
Continued study of Urdu language, with appropriate cultural background; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Prereq: 1101, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102, native speakers, or EM credit. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Maraj Ahmed
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

UZBEK 1102 - Elementary Uzbek II
Continued study of Uzbek Language, with appropriate cultural background; further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.
Prereq: 1101 (101), or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 102, or to native speakers. This course is available for EM credit.
Professor: Kamola Azimova
GE Foundation: World Languages
Credit Hours: 4

Arabic 2241 - Contemporary Arab Cultures: Arts, Mass Media, Society
A general survey and examination of the socio-cultural structure of the modern Arab world. Taught in English.
Professor: Hekmat Dirbas
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity
Credit Hours: 3

Islam 3501 - Introduction to Islam
Examination of Islam as a world religion, enabling an understanding of its major tenets and beliefs as they are envisioned by insiders and outsiders.
Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with credit for NELC 3501.
Instructor: Zari Mahmoudi
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
Credit Hours: 3

JEWSHST 3505 - U.S. Diplomacy in the Middle East
Survey of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East emphasizing the Cold War, Arab-Israeli conflict, Iran, and wars against Iraq. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.
Prereq: English 1110.xx, and any History 2000-level course; or permission of instructor.
Professor: Peter Hahn
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 2241 - The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies
Introduction to the culture of the Middle East as lived in its villages, towns, and cities.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or Anthrop 2241 (241). Cross-listed in Anthrop.
Professor: Nathan Young
GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity.
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies.
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 2701 - Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation
Reading and analysis of major works of Arabic literature from the 6th to the 17th centuries including classical poetry, the Qur'an, and the Arabian Nights.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 371.
Professor: Ahmad Al-Jallad
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 3705 - A Thousand and One Nights: Storytelling in Arabic and World Literature
Readings from The Arabian Nights; the history of the text, translations and literary and cinematic adaptations.
Professor: Sean Anthony
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Hebrew 2700 - The Hebrew Bible in Translation
Reading and analysis of selected chapters from the Hebrew scriptures and post-biblical Hebrew writings representative of major historical, cultural, and literary trends.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 370.
Professor: James Moore
GE Foundation: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 2241 - Contemporary Arab Cultures: Arts, Mass Media, Society
A general survey and examination of the socio-cultural structure of the modern Arab world. Taught in English.
Professor: Hekmat Dirbas
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 2241 - The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies
Introduction to the culture of the Middle East as lived in its villages, towns, and cities.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 241 or Anthrop 2241 (241). Cross-listed in Anthrop.
Professor: Nathan Young
GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity.
GE Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies.
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic / WGSS 2702 - Gender and Citizenship in Modern Arabic Literature
Reading and analysis of representative works of the 19th and 20th centuries by contemporary Arab women authors.
Prereq: Completion of GE Foundation Writing and Information Literacy course. Not open to students with credit for 2702 (372), 2702H (372H), 372, or WGSSt 2702H (372H).
Professor: Johanna Sellman
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World.
Credit Hours: 3

Arabic 3601 - Introduction to Arabic Philosophy
Surveying the development and major subjects and thinkers of the most vivid period of Arabic philosophy.
Professor: Sean Anthony
GE Theme: Citizenship For a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

Islam 3201 - Muslims in America and Europe: Migration and Living Between Worlds
Explore the experiences of religious minorities in the U.S. and Europe for Muslims whose families are originally from the Arab world, Iran, South Asia, Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for NELC 3201.
Professor: Morgan Liu
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

SASIA 3220 - Citizenship in South Asia
This course engages students with a look at how citizenship is imagined in nation states, how it was imagined in colonial India, and how it is manifest in post-colonial South Asia.
Professor: Richa Jhaldiyal
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

SASIA 3625 - Understanding Bollywood, Knowing India: Hindi Cinema Since 1960
Explores life in India from the lens of Hindi language cinema.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for NELC 3625, 3625.01, or 3625.02.
Professor: Ila Nagar
GE Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours: 3

NELC 3700 - Mythology of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
An introductory comparative survey of the mythology of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Prereq: English 1110 (110). Not open to students with credit for 370.
Professor: Celine Marquaire
GE Theme: Lived Environments
Credit Hours: 3