1101 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I
10:20-11:15 TWRF Brincka 22253
1102 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II
9:10-10:05 TWRF Dirbas 10455
12:40-1:35 TWRF Dirbas 10456
3:00-3:55 TWRF Atanassova 10457
5:20-6:15 TWRF Dirbas 10458 (ONLINE CLASS)
1103 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
10:20-11:15 TWRF Atanassova 23303
2001 Arabic Pronunciation
2:20-3:40 WF Foreman 33371
2104 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic III
11:30-12:25 MTWRF Labaki 10459
12:40-1:35 MTWRF Atanassova 14297
2112 Colloquial Arabic ll
2:20-3:40 TR Labaki 22255
3702 Place, Space and Migration in Arabic Literature and Film
11:10-12:30 WF Sellman 33373
3705 A Thousand and One Nights: Storytelling in Arabic and World Literature
3:55-5:15 TR Anthony
4106 High Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic
12:40-1:35 MTWRF Labaki 14296
4120 Arabic Media
11:10-12:30 WF Dirbas 10460
1102 Elementary Hebrew Il
11:30-12:25 TWRF Golan 22467 (HYBRID
6:30-7:25 TR Golan 37527 (ONLINE CLASS)
2105 Mod. Hebrew Grammar, Conversation, & Comp
12:40-1:35 TWRF Golan 20304
2241 Culture of Contemporary Israel (Cross-listed as JEWSHST 2242)
11:10-12:30 MW Tanenbaum 33374/33375
2700 The Hebrew Bible in Translation (Cross-listed as JEWSHST 2700)
9:35-10:55 TR Frank 33376/33381
3703 Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible (Cross-listed as JEWSHST 3703)
2:20-3:40 WF Frank 33377/33380
3704 Biblical Women (Cross-listed as JEWSHST 3708)
Brenner 33378/33379 (ONLINE CLASS)
5602 The Bible as Literature: Selected Readings
9:35-10:55 TF Meier 13623/21462
1102 Elementary Hindi Il
4:10-5:05 MTWR Palvankar 13624 (ONLINE CLASS)
2104 Intermed Hindu ll
11:10-12:00 M-F UM Courseshare 33382 (ONLINE CLASS)
Jewish Studies
2201 Introduction to Jewish Culture, Thought and Practice
2:20-3:40 MW Tanenbaum 23401
2450 History of Ancient Israel (to 300 BCE)
12:45-2:05 TR Frank 35669/33262
2453 History of Zionism and Modern Israel
11:10-12:30 TR Yehudai 24080/23065
3201 Muslims in America and Europe: Migration and Living Between Worlds
11:10-12:30 TR Liu 33385
3205 Women in the Muslim Middle East
2:15-5:00 M Atanassova 35913 (HYBRID)
3501 Introduction to Islam
3:55-5:15 TR Mahmoudi 33383
5701 Quran in Translation
12:45-2:05 TR Anthony 35422
2241 The Middle East Close-Up: People, Cultures, Societies (Cross-listed as Anthro 2241)
12:45-2:05 TR Young 22276 (online)
2244 Films of the Middle East
Asynchronous Kamali 33384 (online)
3700 Mythology of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
3:55-5:15 TR Schellinger 33386
5121 Jewish Aramaic
3:55-5:15 W Swartz 333887/33388
1102 Elementary Persian Il
5:20-6:15 TWRF Kamali-Sarvestani 17700 (ONLINE CLASS)
2104 Intermediate Persian Il
3:00-3:55 TWRF Kamali-Sarvestani 17701
3350 Iranian Society Today: Internal Conflicts and Social Movements
Asynchronous Kamali-Sarvestsni 33391 (online)
South Asia Studies
2220 Intro to South Asian Studies
Asynchronous Nagar 34101 (ONLINE CLASS)
3625 Understanding Bollywood, Knowing India: Hindi Cinema Since 1960
Asynchronous Nagar 35496 (ONLINE CLASS)
1102 Elementary Turkish 2
5:20-6:15 TWRF Steele 14308 (ONLINE CLASS)
2101 Intermediate Turkish 2
3:00-3:55 TWRF Steele 33393
2241 Beyond Harems and Belly Dancers: Turkish Culture
9:35-10:55 WF Schoon 160058 (HYBRID CLASS)
1102 Elementary Urdu Il
9:35-11:10 M-F UM Courseshare 33394 (ONLINE CLASS)
1102 Elementary Uzbek Il
5:20-6:15 TWRF Azimova 14294 (ONLINE CLASS)
2101 Intermediate Uzbek Il
3:00-3:55 TWRF Azimova 14295
5102 Intro to Literary
9:35-10:55 WF Sellman 33394/33955