NELC Student Awarded Middlebury Kathryn Davis Fellowship!

Bradley Brincka, OSU Arabic Major, was awarded the highly selective Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace to study Arabic this summer at Middlebury College's intensive langauge program.
Bradley is currently pursuing studies in Arabic and Persian at OSU. His academic interests include Near Eastern affairs and issues related to ethnic and religious minorities in the region. He will be attending Middlebury College this summer in order to attain advanced proficiency in Arabic and am hopeful to work in the Diplomatic Corps or in the humanitarian field overseas after graduation.
The Davis Fellows for Peace awards aim to fulfill the intention of the late philanthropist Kathryn Wasserman Davis. As development of intercultural understanding is essential to reducing conflict, the study of languages has become increasingly important. The fellowships are intended for exceptionally qualified individuals with demonstrated interest in one or more of the following areas: international, global, or area studies; international politics and economics; peace and security studies; and/or conflict resolution. Those in other fields, including working professionals, are encouraged to apply if their field of expertise requires them to study one of the languages offered. Established in 2007, the Fellows for Peace awards cover tuition, room, and board for one summer in any of the 11 Language Schools at any level of study.