University Libraries Research Commons Workshop Series - Fair Use in Research and Education

February 26, 2015
12:30PM - 2:00PM
Thompson Library, Room 150A/B

Date Range
2015-02-26 12:30:00 2015-02-26 14:00:00 University Libraries Research Commons Workshop Series - Fair Use in Research and Education Do you use copyrighted materials from third party sources in your teaching or research publications?  Have you heard that all educational use is fair use but have concerns about whether this is accurate?  How can you evaluate whether something may qualify as fair use or determine if you need to seek permission?  Join the Copyright Resources Center to learn how to use copyrighted material confidently and legally in your research publications and teaching.Who: All OSU faculty, staff, and studentsMore information at University Libraries website. Thompson Library, Room 150A/B America/New_York public

Do you use copyrighted materials from third party sources in your teaching or research publications?  Have you heard that all educational use is fair use but have concerns about whether this is accurate?  How can you evaluate whether something may qualify as fair use or determine if you need to seek permission?  Join the Copyright Resources Center to learn how to use copyrighted material confidently and legally in your research publications and teaching.

Who: All OSU faculty, staff, and students

More information at University Libraries website.