SYNOPSIS Muharrem has worked quietly as a simple clerk for over 30 years in the same traditional Istanbul neighborhood where he was born. The humble introvert lives a solitary and meager existence of prayer and sexual abstinence, adhering strictly to the most severe Islamic doctrines.
Muharrem's extraordinary devotion attracts the attention of the leaders of a rich and powerful religious group. His acclaimed trustworthiness and conscientiousness inspire them to offer him an administrative post as rent collector for their numerous properties.
Provided with new clothes, a cell phone and a computer, Muharrem is thrown into the modern outside world he has successfully avoided for so long. His naive eyes are soon witness to hypocritical attitudes toward alcohol consumption and goodwill. To his dismay, Muharrem becomes domineering and proud, eventually even inadvertently cheating in a business deal. To make matters worse, Muharrem's inner peace is unnerved by the tormenting image of a seductive woman who tempts him in his dreams, both night and day.
Muharrem has built his life around being able to distinguish between carnal and spiritual values. But the balance of his devotion is now upset. His fear of God begins to eat away at his senses…