Translation as a Vocation workshop

April 21, 2017
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Founders Rm, Ohio Union

Date Range
2017-04-21 15:30:00 2017-04-21 17:00:00 Translation as a Vocation workshop Please join us for a panel discussion that will feature four acclaimed translators who as a group have expertise in an array of languages: German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese, and more.The topics of conversation will range from the practical--how does one get started working as a translator? what structural challenges does one face in doing so?--to the theoretical--for writers who produce other kinds of work, what is the relationship between translation and that work, such as as creative non-fiction and scholarly monographs. Participants:Kerim Yasar, Assistant Professor, DEALL, who has translated the subtitles of more than eighty Japanese films for the Criterion Collection.Damion Searls, Guggenheim and NEA fellow, and frequent translator for the New York Review of Books Classics series.Anna Ziajka Stanton, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania State University, she is the translator of Hilal Chouman's novel Limbo Beirut (2016) and author of a book in progress on Arabic-English translation.Julia Grawemeyer, French translator for Schaffner Press and instructor at Denison University and the Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, her translations have appeared in the Kenyon Review and elsewhere.Light Refreshments will be served.Sponsored by The Humanities Institute and NELC [ download event flier as PDF] Founders Rm, Ohio Union America/New_York public

Please join us for a panel discussion that will feature four acclaimed translators who as a group have expertise in an array of languages: German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese, and more.

The topics of conversation will range from the practical--how does one get started working as a translator? what structural challenges does one face in doing so?--to the theoretical--for writers who produce other kinds of work, what is the relationship between translation and that work, such as as creative non-fiction and scholarly monographs.



Kerim Yasar, Assistant Professor, DEALL, who has translated the subtitles of more than eighty Japanese films for the Criterion Collection.

Damion Searls, Guggenheim and NEA fellow, and frequent translator for the New York Review of Books Classics series.

Anna Ziajka Stanton, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania State University, she is the translator of Hilal Chouman's novel Limbo Beirut (2016) and author of a book in progress on Arabic-English translation.

Julia Grawemeyer, French translator for Schaffner Press and instructor at Denison University and the Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, her translations have appeared in the Kenyon Review and elsewhere.

Light Refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by The Humanities Institute and NELC


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