Lunch Location: Heirloom Cafe in OSU Wexner Center, 1871 N High St, Columbus, OH
Lecture Location: 18th Ave Library, Room 070, 175 W 18th Ave, Columbus, OH
Overview and key points:
Sarah El-Kazaz will speak about her work over a lunch discussion (lunch will be provided) and a lecture.
Heritage preservation is conventionally understood as motivated by identity-based projects of collective memory or tourism. In this paper El-Kazaz argues that heritage preservation is increasingly being adopted as a pro-poor practice that works to re-regulate real estate markets and safeguard affordable housing in neoliberalizing cities. To make this argument, she analyzes a case study of a heritage preservation project implemented in Istanbul in the wake of the Habitat II conference. The paper then unpacks the contradictions and limitations inherent to adopting heritage preservation as a pro-poor practice and the ways in which that development reorders power dynamics within neighborhoods undergoing preservation as market re-regulation.