Popular Visual Culture and Migration in the Mediterranean Region

April 15, 2015
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, Will Eisner Seminar Room

Date Range
2015-04-15 14:00:00 2015-04-15 16:00:00 Popular Visual Culture and Migration in the Mediterranean Region This workshop explores the visual culture of migration in the Mediterranean region through readings and discussion of graphic novels, cartoons, and street art from Algeria, Morocco, France, Lebanon, and Israel / Palestine.  We will view and discuss a range of visual sources that depict migration, immigration, forced displacement and the interaction of diverse cultures. We will also consider how iconic images circulate between the page and other public contexts.  Participants will hone close visual reading skills alongside cultural knowledge, both related to the themes of migration, immigration, borders, and exile in a Mediterranean context.Please join us for an afternoon of exploring the OSU Libraries’ collections and a discussion of critical visual literacies pertaining to sources from the Mediterranean region. Knowledge of French and Arabic will be helpful, but not necessary.This workshop is open to all but since space and time are limited we suggest registering. Please email thornton.98@osu.edu to register and receive pre-workshop readings. [image attributions:]http://www.handala.org/cartoons/cartoon-gallery/refugees/index.htmlKerbaj, Mazen. Beyrouth, Juillet-Août 2006. Paris: Association, 2007.Sattouf, Riad. L'arabe du futur: une jenuesse au Moyen-Orient (1978-1984). Paris: Allary Éditions, 2014. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, Will Eisner Seminar Room America/New_York public

This workshop explores the visual culture of migration in the Mediterranean region through readings and discussion of graphic novels, cartoons, and street art from Algeria, Morocco, France, Lebanon, and Israel / Palestine. 

Maziun Drawing

We will view and discuss a range of visual sources that depict migration, immigration, forced displacement and the interaction of diverse cultures. We will also consider how iconic images circulate between the page and other public contexts.  Participants will hone close visual reading skills alongside cultural knowledge, both related to the themes of migration, immigration, borders, and exile in a Mediterranean context.

Please join us for an afternoon of exploring the OSU Libraries’ collections and a discussion of critical visual literacies pertaining to sources from the Mediterranean region. Knowledge of French and Arabic will be helpful, but not necessary.

This workshop is open to all but since space and time are limited we suggest registering. Please email thornton.98@osu.edu to register and receive pre-workshop readings.


[image attributions:]
Kerbaj, Mazen. Beyrouth, Juillet-Août 2006. Paris: Association, 2007.
Sattouf, Riad. L'arabe du futur: une jenuesse au Moyen-Orient (1978-1984). Paris: Allary Éditions, 2014.