Graduate Studies in Foreign Policy and International Affairs Q&A Session

White House
January 14, 2019
All Day
Mendnehall Lab 185

Joe Twinem is a graduate of the Ohio State Department of Political Science (BA '17), works at the US Department of State as an intern, and is a current graduate student at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington DC studying International Economics and American Foreign Policy. As a first year student and as a graduate of Ohio State, he has a unique perspective on living in Washington and on SAIS. If you have interest in graduate school in Washington or in attending SAIS specifically, you are invited to attend an informational chat with Joe on January 14, 2019.

The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is recognized as one of the foremost foreign policy institutions in the world. Situated in Washington D.C., graduate students at SAIS study international affairs, development, economics, and regional studies in the geographical center of American policymaking. Moreover, created with a global mindset, graduate students have the opportunity to spend the first year of their studies living in China or Europe and to finish their two year degree in Washington.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP at