The Dead Sea Scrolls are one of many recently discovered troves of ancient textual remains. As is sometimes the case with such collections, the remains are largely fragmentary and collection as a whole suffers from systemic difficulties relating to their initial itemization and cataloguing. Now that the corpus has been fully published (or almost nearly so), present-day scholars have the chance to reevaluate the earlier decisions regarding the reconstruction of individual manuscripts. This, coupled with the online publication of new, high quality images of the scrolls, has provided a research climate conducive to collaborative online research. As the project coordinator of Scripta Qumranica Electronica, Bronson Brown-deVost will present its new online research platform and provide an introduction to the domain of Dead Sea Scrolls research and to the technological tools that made this online application possible.
Bronson Brown-deVost works as Semitist and programmer/IT specialist for the longterm German Research Foundation project Qumran-Digital Text und Lexikon Project at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences in Niedersachsen. He has published widely in the academic journals for Biblical and Qumran studies and has authored or co-authored several articles in the field of digital humanities, especially in the realm of Handwritten Text Recognition projects. His 2015 Brandeis dissertation “Commentary and Authority in Mesopotamia and Qumran” was awarded the Nahum and Anne Glatzer Endowed Prize in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and was revised for publication with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in the Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplement Series 29 (2019). He has resided in Göttingen Germany with his family since 2016 after receiving a 5-year post-doc position there with the German-Israel Cooperation Project Scripta Qumranica Electronica. He is heavily involved in the DH community and has served in an advisory role to a number of projects in Israel, Europe, and the US.
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