October 28, 2019
Page Hall Room 020
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2019-10-28 12:40:00
2019-10-28 13:35:00
The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature
قبيلة بني هلال في التأريخ والأدب الشعبي
(The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature)
On Monday, October 28, Dr. Reynolds will join the 3105 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic III class to discuss The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature. This talk will be conducted in Arabic only. All OSU Arabic language students and other Arabic-speaking members of the OSU community are welcome to come and sit in on this special class visit!
Dr. Reynolds has prepared a vocabulary list to assist Arabic language learners understand the talk. You can view and download this vocabulary list here:
Reynolds Lecture - Arabic Vocabulary List (opens in a new window)66.77 KB
Dwight Reynolds is Professor of Arabic Language & Literature in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara.
Page Hall Room 020
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-10-28 12:40:00
2019-10-28 13:35:00
The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature
قبيلة بني هلال في التأريخ والأدب الشعبي
(The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature)
On Monday, October 28, Dr. Reynolds will join the 3105 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic III class to discuss The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature. This talk will be conducted in Arabic only. All OSU Arabic language students and other Arabic-speaking members of the OSU community are welcome to come and sit in on this special class visit!
Dr. Reynolds has prepared a vocabulary list to assist Arabic language learners understand the talk. You can view and download this vocabulary list here:
Dwight Reynolds is Professor of Arabic Language & Literature in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara.
Page Hall Room 020
قبيلة بني هلال في التأريخ والأدب الشعبي
(The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature)
On Monday, October 28, Dr. Reynolds will join the 3105 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic III class to discuss The Bani Hilal Tribe in History and Folk Literature. This talk will be conducted in Arabic only. All OSU Arabic language students and other Arabic-speaking members of the OSU community are welcome to come and sit in on this special class visit!
Dr. Reynolds has prepared a vocabulary list to assist Arabic language learners understand the talk. You can view and download this vocabulary list here:
Dwight Reynolds is Professor of Arabic Language & Literature in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara.