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Review of Grammar and Composition

HEBREW 4101: Review of Grammar and Composition

Review of Hebrew grammar; composition on assigned topics and some practice in translation.  Prereq: 1103 (104). Not open to students with credit for 401. Cross-listed in Jewish Studies.

The objectives of Hebrew 4101 are: to review the grammatical patterns which have been covered in the elementary and intermediate courses (i.e., Hebrew 1101-1103); to introduce and practice new, more advanced grammatical patterns; and to improve students' Hebrew writing skills. During the quarter, students are required to write a number of compositions. The instructor will review each of these eight compositions and returns them to the student with grammatical exercises geared to his/her own needs. The classroom activity centers around the following: readings in modern Hebrew texts that will assist students in building up vocabulary and improving their knowledge of grammar; explanations of grammatical patterns; and analysis of typical mistakes found by the instructor in the weekly assignments.
Credit Hours

Sample Syllabus:
